Global period tax map & database

Explore our interactive world map and comprehensive database to learn how countries around the world deal with taxes on menstrual products. Find out about past and present campaigns and a whole lot more!

Zero-rate tax / tax exemption

The countries highlighted in red apply a zero-rate tax or tax exemption on the sale of menstrual products. Check out our video “Taxes in a nutshell” to learn more about the differences of these options.

Reduced tax rate

The countries highlighted in red apply a reduced tax rate to the sale of menstrual products.

Standard tax rate

The countries highlighted in red apply their respective standard rate of VAT, GST or sales tax to the sale of menstrual products.


Advocates carried out successful period tax campaigns in the countries highlighted in red. Check out our case studies page to learn more about some of them.


In the countries highlighted in red there are active campaigns to reduce or remove period taxes. If you live in one of these countries, get in touch with the campaign organisers to learn more about the campaign and what you can do to support it.

Interactive world map

Hover over a country to learn about the taxes on menstrual products.

Tampons, pads, menstrual cups, period panties – which products are included in tax policies?

Even if countries decide to reduce or remove taxes on menstrual products, not all product types might benefit from the tax change. We compiled an overview of which products are included in favourable tax policies in the respective countries.


Browse through the database to find detailed information about each country’s menstrual product tax rates and about current and past campaigns advocating to scrap period taxes.

Continent Country Standard VAT VAT on menstrual hygiene products Menstrual hygiene products taxed under standard rate Menstrual products taxed with a reduced rate Menstrual products tax exempt or zero-rated Date of tax change Import tax exempt iContext for taxation Reference links for tax information Successful campaign Active campaign Year Hashtags or name of the campaign Link to campaign petition iMore info about the campaign Recommended articles or links